Appreciative inquiry and learning assessment
Author: B J Mohr , E J Smith , J M Watkins
Journal of the Organization Development Network Date 01/01/2000 Pages: 36-52 Annotation: This paper tells the story of a collaboration between a pharmaceutical company and The Synapse Group, Inc.; How they came together on a ground-breaking project for both parties; how the project unfolded; and, the outcomes and lessons both parties gained from the experience. This story describes the use of AI to evaluate a training program. There is no set way to “apply” AI as an organizational intervention in the classic OD sense. AI is a way of seeing and being in the world. It is based on the belief that we can create what we imagine when we open our minds and our social processes to the widest possible dialogue among the largest number of people who are involved and invested in our enterprise. Appreciative Inquiry applied becomes an empowering and life-affirming way of living in all human systems. Additional Resources: Appreciative Inquiry and Learning Assessment: An Embedded Evaluation Process in a Transnational Pharmaceutical Company, by Bernard J. Mohr, Elizabeth Smith, Jane M Watkins, In Appreciative Inquiry: An Emerging Direction for Organization Development by Cooperrider, D; Sorensen, PF; Yaeger, TF; Whitney, D; Stipes Publishing, 2001