The call for positive, life-centered approaches to organisation, group, and global change has been sounded by many, and it will take many more to fully explore the vast potential just starting to appear on the horizon. But even now, in the first steps, what is being sensed is an exciting direction in our language and theories of change – an invitation, as some have declared, to “a positive revolution in change.”
In the years since “Appreciative Inquiry into Organisational Life” was first published by David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva at Case Western Reserve University in 1987, thousands of people have been engaged in co-creating new practices for doing AI and for bringing the spirit and methodology of AI into organisations all over the world. The velocity of the largely informal spread of the ideas associated with Appreciative Inquiry suggests a growing disenchantment with exhausted theories of change, especially those wedded to vocabularies of human deficit, and a corresponding urge to work with people, groups, and organisations in a more constructive, life affirming, strength-based and spirited way.